Chats with Jess Miller

Getting the City of Sydney on board (literally).
Chats with Jess Miller

During our recent trip to Sydney (to kick off our 2021 mission to collect 21 tonnes of ocean waste to turn into our our forever bottles), we had an epic chat with Sydney City Councillor Jess Miller about the challenges our Council's face when it comes to recycling & waste streams.

With key areas of expertise in environmental systems, it was a no brainer to get her (literally) on board.

Jess came onboard 20 hours into our 24 hour underwater clean-up and gave us a new lease on life! It's a long one but super interesting.

Part of Jess's motivation for being on Council at the City of Sydney was to ensure that the City continue to set an global example of how to deal with the changing climate and there's some great nuggets of info in there.

We hope you enjoy the chat as much as we did. Please excuse the Darth Vadar like breathing you can hear in the background - that's the sound of Dean Cropp breathing as he dives underneath the boat to get more rubbish...but that's another story.

Join Mike and Jess as they chat about a single-use plastic free future during our epic 24 hour underwater clean up in Sydney Harbour. 



Discover how you can turn a lifetime's supply of single-use plastic bottles into one bottle for a lifetime with Zero Co today. 


Published on Friday 14 May, 2021