How to Organise a Local Cleanup

Join us in untrashing the planet together by organising your own local cleanup. Get out there and make a difference in your community. The planet will thank you!
How to Organise a Local Cleanup

So you want to do your part for the environment and organise a local cleanup with your friends? Great idea! Not only will you be making a positive impact in your community but you'll also get to spend some quality time with your friends while doing something meaningful.

But where do you start? Don't worry, we've got you covered with these simple steps to organising a successful cleanup. 

1. Choose a location for your cleanup

Pick a spot that needs some love, whether it's a local park, beach, or other public space. Make sure it's a manageable size for you and your friends to tackle in a reasonable amount of time.
Gather a team: Recruit your friends to join in on the fun. Use social media, messaging apps, or even good old-fashioned word of mouth to spread the word. The more, the merrier! Be sure to include all the important details, such as the location, date, time, and necessary supplies.

2. Set a date and time

Choose a date and time that works for everyone involved. You may want to consider factors such as weather, availability of volunteers, and the availability of the location.

3. Plan logistics 

Take care of all the nitty-gritty details, such as arranging for any necessary supplies, organising bins to sort the rubbish, and disposing of the recycling and trash you collect.

Don't forget to bring:

  • gloves,
  • bags,
  • and possibly even some pick up tools for everyone to use.

4. Get the community involved

Reach out to local businesses or organisations to see if they would like to participate or donate supplies. You could also ask community members to help spread the word about the event.

5. Make it fun

While the main focus of the cleanup is to make a positive impact, you can also make it enjoyable for everyone involved. Bring some snacks and drinks, play some music and make it a social event as well as a volunteer opportunity.

6. Thank your cleanup volunteers

Show your appreciation for everyone's time and effort by sending out a thank you email or social media post. It’s important to share the impact you’ve had so people feel inspired to do it again! Weigh all your rubbish or count how many bags you collect to measure your awesome efforts! You could also consider organising a small celebration or gathering after the cleanup to celebrate your accomplishments.

Organising a local cleanup can have a range of positive impacts on your community and the environment. Plastic and other rubbish can negatively impact the environment, including water pollution and harm to wildlife. By removing rubbish from the natural environment, you can help to improve public health in your community.

So there you have it – your guide to organising a cleanup with friends. So next time you're looking for a fun and meaningful activity to do with friends, consider organising a local cleanup!

Want to learn more about Zero Co’s cleanups?

We're committing to cleaning the planet for the next 100 years through our mission program the 100YR CLEANUP. We've conducted over 20+ large-scale cleanups worldwide and have pulled over 2,000,000+ water bottles worth of rubbish from the natural environment so far!

Join us in untrashing the planet together by organising your own local cleanup or sponsor a rubbish bundle and fund a cleanup through Zero Co. Get out there and make a difference in your community. The planet will thank you!

Published on Monday 20 February, 2023